25 Weight Loss Tips!

Advice and sometimes simple steps can add up to big weight loss or fitness forma earnings ! Implement several of these tips to start achieving results you want !

1. Focus on nutrition - Especially if you are trying to get fit. Focus on first cleaning your nutrition! Weight loss of 75% occurs in the kitchen, the remaining 25 % going to the gym!

2 . Realistic goals are key side - While your overall goal may be very large , it will take time to achieve. Small goals and sub ​​- goals are achievable in a shorter time , giving you the satisfaction of the goal of achieving your dream! For example, if your overall goal is to lose 25 pounds, have sub - goals to lose 3 pounds a week and lose 10 pounds in a month . Check these bad boys and get them one by one , instant gratification and motivation !

3 . Record your exercise days - Have a monthly calendar and every time you miss a day , in the shade of bright red square . Three days in a row tell blatant red get your butt in gear ! Do not allow three strikes !

4 . Eat on a smaller plate - Use smaller plates can reduce your total calorie intake ! Recent research has shown that the size of the package and the flat can lead to overeating, even if the food does not necessarily have good taste!

5 . Make your workouts that cost ! - Really can not get motivated ? Make it hurt your wallet if you miss a workout. Accomplish this is by hiring a coach, buy , hire a consultant training or online training. This will make you get in this year , nobody wants to lose money!

6. Training for the endorphin rush
- Sometimes , the best motivation is a drive to feel better immediately after the workout! The rush of endorphins that accompanies an intense workout can produce a feeling of well being - being that can be a great stress reliever .

7. Stay off the scale - Some people are too discouraged when the scale does not move quickly. Weigh yourself once a week and write these numbers and draw in Excel. The long-term progress of your weight can be very motivating .

8. Days off not just binge days - If you are not exercising that day due to the recovery , you still need to maintain your normal healthy diet program . Just because you are not exercising does not mean a box of cookies is fair game !

9. Focus on your training - at the gym , pop in the headphones, turn the crank , and focus on high intensity training ! Get training and keeps your heart rate elevated throughout the process and burn more calories !

10. Write down what you eat for a week
- you'll see how unhealthy / healthy, you have been or how much you've eaten. When you realize that your consumer , you have a better chance of catching !

11. Chew your food - Chew your food not only helps in the digestive process , but can also help you feel full faster . People who chew their food more actually consume fewer calories overall!

12. Drop the guilt - Do not feel guilty if you miss a workout or overeating. Guilt only leads to feeling sorry for yourself or depression that can lead to even more overeating . Miss a workout, just go the next day!

13 . Far from the mentality of artificial sweetener - The fact that you drink soda or sugar cookies does not give you free reign to binge on something else. There are a lot of carbohydrates and other things you can add to your waist of these products without sugar.

14 . Walk at least 45 minutes a day - Seriously, this is a great place to start ! Walking 45 minutes a day , compared with sedentary lifestyle can have a huge impact ! You can also help build your strength until you are ready for more tax forms for the year!

15 . After weight loss , get rid of all their "fat" tissue - you should have no more right ? Get rid of your clothes tell you that there is no turning back and it will cost if a new wardrobe , set this mantra!

16 . Keep your guilty pleasure - You must keep the things you love in your diet to make it sustainable . Just try to reduce your fuel consumption in half! That's a lot of calories if you eat every day!

17 . Superset , superset , superset
- To increase training intensity , speed of your training , and induce muscle growth, superset your exercises. This means performing two exercises back to back (usually work opposing muscle groups ) with little or no rest between sets.

18 . Need a drink? Take a little wine - New research is indicating that people who drink one or two glasses of wine a day were more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those who do not! I do not mean to slam the whole bottle , but a drink I will not hurt you !

19 . Hit children's menu , if you go - it's not only cheaper , it is also less calories in small portion size . How many times have you order a regular meal and overate ? Children's party could be the size of the idea for you!

20 . Vegetables are the key - I insist on vegetables , as they are really the key to weight loss . What are other foods that you can eat a lot of for so few calories . Its fiber , nutrients, protein, etc ... are amazing for you. You can consume a surprising amount of vegetables for as little as 100 calories!

21 . Black Coffee
- The coffee is great , I have to have my caffeine in the morning or go zombie - esque . The problem occurs when people add hundreds of calories to your coffee with sugar and cream ! Stick to black coffee!

22 . Selfies work!
- Take pictures (front and side ) before starting your exercise program today or has already begun ! When you think about quitting , take a look at your progress pictures ! Maybe you notice that your waist is thinner , providing you immediate motivation to continue the process.

23 . No food is forbidden!
- When a whole food , especially the one you love , it will only lead to an episode of binge eating is eliminated. Try to reduce consumption by means of a couple of weeks and gradually wean there!

24 . Green face
- I got what Jonathan Goodman of PTDC . Basically , this means eating most foods that are green (or vegetables) and things that a face (or other high quality protein ) once had. This simple rule can help you plan your meals and still eat healthy !

25 . Half of your meal should be vegetables - A trick I borrowed Jonathan Bailor , try dividing your plate where half your plate non-starchy vegetables ! They eat more for less calories!

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